Natural mineral resources have built the modern world, from forging the first tools to the invention of efficient batteries for smartphones.
Natural mineral resources have built the modern world, from forging the first tools to the invention of efficient batteries for smartphones.
CAS: 64-19-764197
CAS: 67-64-167641
CAS: 7440-44-07440440
CAS: 7784-31-87784318
CAS: 1336-21-61336216
CAS: 7783-18-87783188
CAS: 64742-94-564742945
CAS: 71819-51-771819517
CAS: 7727-43-77727437
CAS: 1302-78-9, 1318-93-01302789, 1318930
CAS: 1330-43-41330434
CAS: 1303-96-41303964
CAS: 12179-04-312179043
CAS: 10043-35-310043353
CAS: 10035-04-8, 10043-52-410035048, 10043524
CAS: 7778-54-37778543
CAS: 8061-52-78061527
CAS: 13477-34-4, 15245-12-213477344, 15245122
CAS: 1305-78-81305788
CAS: 9004-32-49004324
CAS: 68187-84-8, 8001-79-468187848, 8001794
CAS: 1310-58-31310583
CAS: 1310-73-21310732
CAS: 1310-73-21310732
CAS: 77-92-9, 5949-29-177929, 5949291
CAS: 10026-24-110026241
CAS: 7758-99-87758998
CAS: 63148-62-963148629
CAS: 10222-01-210222012
CAS: 68855-54-968855549
CAS: 111-42-2111422
CAS: 112-34-5, 111-90-0112345, 111900
CAS: 108-83-8108838
CAS: 25265-71-825265718
CAS: 34590-94-834590948
CAS: 64-02-8, 13235-36-464028, 13235364
CAS: 9006-50-29006502
CAS: 68187-59-768187597
CAS: 68333-69-768333697
CAS: 111-76-2111762
CAS: 103818-93-5103818935
CAS: 7705-08-07705080
CAS: 8049-17-08049170
CAS: 7782-63-07782630
CAS: 7789-75-57789755
CAS: 111-30-8111308
CAS: 56-81-556815
CAS: 9000-30-09000300
CAS: 100-97-0100970
CAS: 7647-01-07647010
CAS: 7722-84-17722841
CAS: 10039-54-010039540
CAS: 67-63-067630
CAS: 50-21-550215
CAS: 10099-74-810099748
CAS: 1305-62-01305620
CAS: 1317-36-81317368
CAS: 554-13-2554132
CAS: 10377-60-310377603
CAS: 1309-48-41309484
CAS: 67-56-167561
CAS: 108-11-2108112
CAS: 107-21-1107211
CAS: 141-43-5141435
CAS: 7631-99-47631994
CAS: 7697-37-27697372
CAS: 112-80-1112801
CAS: 6153-56-66153566
CAS: 64742-51-4, 8002-74-264742514, 8002742
CAS: 7664-38-27664382
CAS: 1327-41-91327419
CAS: 1327-41-91327419
CAS: 9004-32-49004324
CAS: 25322-68-325322683
CAS: 127-08-2127082
CAS: 2720-73-22720732
CAS: 584-08-7584087
CAS: 7447-40-77447407
CAS: 7757-79-17757791
CAS: 7722-64-77722647
CAS: 7778-80-57778805
CAS: 57-55-657556
CAS: 1401-55-41401554
CAS: 14808-60-714808607
CAS: 497-19-8497198
CAS: 497-19-8497198
CAS: 127-09-3127093
CAS: 7758-16-97758169
CAS: 144-55-8144558
CAS: 7681-38-17681381
CAS: 7647-15-67647156
CAS: 7647-14-57647145
CAS: 143-33-9143339
CAS: 140-90-9140909
CAS: 141-53-7141537
CAS: 527-07-1527071
CAS: 16721-80-516721805
CAS: 16721-80-516721805
CAS: 7681-52-97681529
CAS: 25306-75-625306756
CAS: 68585-34-268585342
CAS: 8061-51-68061516
CAS: 7681-57-47681574
CAS: 7632-00-07632000
CAS: 127-68-4127684
CAS: 7601-89-07601890
CAS: 1344-09-81344098
CAS: 16893-85-916893859
CAS: 27610-45-3, 1313-82-227610453, 1313822
CAS: 1313-82-2, 7757-83-71313822, 7757837
CAS: 540-72-7540727
CAS: 5329-14-65329146
CAS: 7664-93-97664939
CAS: 7320-34-57320345
CAS: 7722-88-57722885
CAS: 62-56-662566
CAS: 102-71-6102716
CAS: 112-27-6112276
CAS: 57-13-657136
CAS: 63231-60-763231607
CAS: 11138-66-211138662
CAS: 7440-66-67440666
CAS: 1314-13-21314132
CAS: 7446-19-77446197
Natural mineral resources have built the modern world, from forging the first tools to the invention of efficient batteries for smartphones.
As an Australian based company, Redox has long been a key partner of the mining industry. Australia is the world's leading producer of bauxite and iron ore; the second largest producer of alumina, lead and manganese; the third largest producer of brown coal, gold, nickel, zinc and uranium; the fourth largest producer of aluminium, black coal and silver; and the fifth largest producer of tin. The nation not only exports raw materials: it is arguably the world's top supplier of explosives and mining technologies.
Our experience in mining chemicals, reagents and processing aids give us the knowledge to help our clients achieve efficiencies and cost savings needed in today’s competitive marketplace.
In the field of explosives manufacture Redox partners with clients to deliver innovative specialty chemicals for emulsification as well as commodity chemical fuels and oxidants.
Redox offers a range of specialist chemicals for your mining operation - our specialty chemicals can be used within mine laboratories and processing facilities to assist with the testing, extraction and emulsification of precious metals.
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