Our team of lubricant specialists are innovating to create a brighter, more efficient future.
Our team of lubricant specialists are innovating to create a brighter, more efficient future.
CAS: 11138-60-611138606
CAS: 68037-01-468037014
CAS: 9003-27-49003274
CAS: 9003-27-49003274
CAS: 9003-27-49003274
CAS: 9003-27-49003274
CAS: 9003-27-49003274
CAS: 111-42-2111422
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CAS: 102-71-6102716
CAS: 64742-94-564742945
CAS: 71819-51-771819517
CAS: 35869-60-435869604
CAS: 112-85-6112856
CAS: 334-48-5334485
CAS: 124-07-2124072
CAS: 143-07-7143077
CAS: 544-63-8544638
CAS: 112-80-1112801
CAS: 57-10-357103
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CAS: 68608-26-468608264
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CAS: 85940-28-985940289
CAS: 4259-15-84259158
CAS: 80939-62-480939624
CAS: 12001-85-312001853
CAS: 1330-78-51330785
CAS: 68937-41-768937417
CAS: 68937-40-668937406
CAS: 68937-41-768937417
CAS: 91648-65-691648656
CAS: 8001-78-38001783
CAS: 7782-42-57782425
CAS: 106-14-9106149
CAS: 1310-66-31310663
CAS: 1317-33-51317335
CAS: 27247-96-727247967
CAS: 12108-13-312108133
CAS: 64741-44-264741442
CAS: 8008-20-6, 64742-82-18008206, 64742821
CAS: 64742-94-564742945
CAS: 64742-46-764742467
CAS: 64742-47-864742478
CAS: 64742-47-864742478
CAS: 64742-82-164742821
CAS: 143-22-6143226
CAS: 68937-41-768937417
CAS: 8003-03-8, 8009-03-88003038, 8009038
CAS: 64742-55-8, 8042-47-564742558, 8042475
Our team of lubricant specialists are innovating to create a brighter, more efficient future.
Redox's Lubricants & Grease team scour the world for the best additives, building a growing portfolio of products imparting specific attributes allowing for reduced wear, high performance and efficiency.
Delivering superior lubrication requires leading product technology, an efficient supply chain and expert technical support. Redox brings together all of these with more than 50 years of proven industry expertise, to create custom-made solutions for clients that meet demanding industry and regulatory standards.
Redox’s additives find use in automotive and industrial lubricants, hydraulic fluids, fuels and refinery processing.
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