Product Information
CAS Number
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Other Names
Semi Refined Crude Glycerine Q3
Polydimethylsiloxane Antifoam Emulsion
Defoamer Sag 1572
Crude Glycerine
Saf 1572 Foam Control Agent
Silicone Emulsion Sm 2115
Glycerol (Vegetable source)
Glycyl Alcohol
About Glycerine
Glycerine (pronounced GLIH–sir–in) is classified as a type of carbohydrate called a sugar alcohol, or polyol. Glycerine is another name for glycerol, the three-carbon backbone of a triglyceride. It is formed naturally through the alcoholic fermentation of sugars; however, most of the glycerine we consume is produced from the hydrolysis of fats and oils, and in lesser quantities through the fermentation of yeast, sugar or starch. Glycerine is used as an ingredient in a variety of food and beverage products to help retain moisture, prevent sugar crystallization, and add bulk, smoothness, softness, sweetness and texture.
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