Since the last evaluation of our Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR), our overall score has increased thanks to the implementation of additional measures. EcoVadis has awarded Redox again with a Silver Medal rating for 2018.
The overall score increased to 49, representing a result well above the industry average. This score maintains a confirmed CSR score ranking for Redox. Redox CSR initiatives consists of:
- Structured and proactive CSR approach,
- Engagement/policies and tangible actions on major issues,
- Reporting on actions and Key Performance Indicators.
Highlights of the scorecard showed that:
- In the overall score, Redox was ranked within the top 16% of companies,
- Within the Environment section, Redox is in the top 26% of companies,
- In ethics, Redox is amongst the top 13% of companies.
With continued evaluation and improvement of our CSR, Redox plans to continue to increase its score and maintain its CSR responsibilities.
For more information about Redox please visit our website at