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This month’s Employee Spotlight, we speak with Michael O’Brien. Michael is the store manager at our Minto site, with 26 years of experiences to share. He’s seen his fair share of changes over the years here at Redox and has a few funny stories to tell. 

So Michael, what position do you hold: i’m the Store Manager here at Minto.

How long have you been with Redox? 26 years.

What is it you love about working at Redox?

“The friendly staff and management that’s willing to listen.”

How have things changed over the 26 years? Lots, we’ve gone from 50 million dollars turnover when I started, to over 700 million now. And from pallet storage 2,400 to over 15,000.

After 26 years you must have some funny stories?

“Lots of stories, particularly on our golf trips… but what happens on tour, stays on tour.”

There was also a day when I sent the wrong stock to the wrong customer. Now our founder was a very kind and fair man, but he was really particular about making sure the right stock got to the right customer.

“I only did that once.”

What’s your day to day routine like? I start early, around 4 am and I’m busy most of the time. Things get particularly busy when the sales team clock on at around 9 am.

What’s the most stand out personal achievement you’ve hit whilst working at Redox?

“Taking on the Store Managers role was a proud moment for sure.”

What are your work mates like? I have met a lot of great people and they have become very close friends of mine.

Favourite band/song/music? Slim Dusty.


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