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With an ever changing technological environment it is imperative that companies embrace new technology and seek innovative means to enhance their supply chain. Redox has recently adopted the GS1 standard barcode labelling system to help identify, capture, share and use data within their supply chain.

Redox has an important position in the ingredient and chemical distribution supply chain as it connects customers and suppliers from across the globe. Earlier this year, Redox implemented the GS1 standard barcode labelling system which has seen success for Redox across its global supply chains.

The GS1 standard barcode labelling system creates a common foundation for businesses by uniquely identifying, accurately capturing and automatically sharing vital information about individual products, trading partners, locations, logistics units, assets, shipments and services.

Since implementing the GS1 barcode labelling system, the chain of supply has been improved with the ability to efficiently capture and share data, as it links the physical movement of goods to the information flow along the supply chain.

The  GS1 barcoding system is being rolled out for customers who have requested it with many  seeing benefits for  greater efficiencies, security and sustainability within the supply chain.

Benefits include

  • Reduced transport and logistics costs due to implementing a unified system
  • Improved productivity as processes are streamlined
  • Improved inventory turnover as accessibility and organisation is improved
  • Decreased asset loss and increased security due to improved traceability of stock
  • Satisfied customers and suppliers due to increased overall efficiencies

Redox places importance on creating value for both suppliers and customers through continual development and innovation of their supply chain. There is no single solution, however through the implementation of new technologies, such as the GS1 barcode labelling system, and improvement in existing processes Redox is increasing its value for all stakeholders with greater efficiencies across the supply chain.

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