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The aging population is often seen as an obstacle to overcome in which governments, companies, communities and families, have yet to see their true potential. As a multinational company operating within a diverse range of industries we value diversity and view all individuals regardless of their demographic as hidden treasures.

The CSIRO Our Future World report have identified an aging population as a megatrend emerging amongst many Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. ‘Forever young’ explores the likelihood that people will retire later in life, gradually wind back and change duties in a tapered model of retirement and spend increasingly large sums of money through the healthcare system to combat age related illnesses. They emphasise the value older citizens provide to society including their wealth of knowledge, wisdom and mentorship and as a resource they present economic and social opportunities that have yet been fully utilised.

At Redox our greatest asset are our employees. We pride ourselves on having a diversified team based on gender, race, education, experience and age. With a large portion of long-term employees, we have been able to develop and refine our technical skills and industry knowledge to better meet the expectations of our clients, while also providing avenues for sharing wisdom and providing mentorship. Our experienced members are key assets in training new graduates and passing on the culture which has seen many successes.

Due to an aging population, our products are being used to make an impact across the pharmaceutical and human health industries. Through our selection of exclusive supply partnerships and quality assurance procedures, our clients have access to the highest quality vitamins, minerals and functional actives, providing the best advantage for our community’s health.

Through a dedicated team of industry specialists, we deliver real value and a fresh approach to meeting our customers’ needs in a dynamic market. Contact one of our experts today!

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Posted 21 Aug 2024 en Animal Nutrition

The Role of Plant Extracts and Probiotics in Reducing Mortality and Boosting Growth

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